The Rise And Rise Of Pirate Libraries (And No, That Doesn’t Mean Collections Of Books About Buccaneers)

“All around the world, shadow libraries keep growing, filled with banned materials. But no actual papers trade hands: everything is digital, and the internet-accessible content is not banned for shocking content so much as that modern crime, copyright infringement. But for the people who run the world’s pirate libraries, their goals are no less ambitious for their work’s illicit nature.”

An Ambitious Plan For A Children’s Lit Museum In Kansas City

“Few people realize that children’s literature has a canon, like music or dance. The superstore model and then the Internet model have destroyed publishers’ backlists. Whether it’s the ‘Little House’ books or ‘The Story About Ping’ and ‘The Five Chinese Brothers,’ there are thousands of classics that are not being connected back to the culture. We want to renew and revive and regenerate older titles.”

When Algorithms Choose Your Music For You, Something Is Being Lost

“I do feel that if the great push of the smartest minds in this business is moving towards efficiency in curating for you, in delivering you what it knows you will like from the great abundance, well, something’s being lost, isn’t it? Isn’t the thing that’s being lost you and your efforts to figure out what you like and you respond to?”