Prince Was So Ferocious About His Intellectual Property, He Got A ‘Lifetime Aggrievement Award’

“In 2013, the Electronic Frontier Foundation gave Prince … the Raspberry Beret Lifetime Aggrievement Award, in honor of his groundbreaking use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to prevent fans of his music from publishing his tunes or image anywhere he didn’t want them to be. … For all the groundbreaking work he created as a musician in the 20th century, his approach to the internet and copyright was shockingly old-school, and one that should be studied for centuries after his passing.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.21.16

This Week in Audience (04.17.16)
My Audience, My Computer: Scientists fed images of all of Rembrandt’s paintings into a database then had the computer create a “next” Rembrandt based on the artist’s style. You can think… … read more
AJBlog: AJ Arts Audience Published 2016-04-21

Today in Museum Accounting: Financial Windfall at MoMA, Shortfall at the Met
The contrast in the financial news emanating today from New York’s two premier art museums could not have been more dramatic. The Museum of Modern Art issued an exultant press release celebrating David Geffen‘s $100-million … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-04-21

Stan Levey And “Bebop”
Several readers who responded to Monday’s Stan Levey book recommendation  singled out his work on “Bebop” as one of the greatest modern jazz drum performances. They will get no argument here. Samples: I’m thrilled every … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-04-21

Replay: Vladimir Nabokov on the covers of Lolita
Vladimir Nabokov talks about the covers of different editions of Lolita on USA: The Novel. This episode was originally telecast on WNET on February 3, 1965. … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-04-21


After Margaret Cho Bombs At A Club, A Comedy God Gets Her A Second Chance

Thus spake the deity: “So as I was talking with Margaret about this show last week …, we started wondering, wouldn’t it be something if we could go back to New Jersey, back to that club with the same audience and try to make things right? Have a discussion where both sides – comedian and audience – could talk about what happened? And then both of us could do a show – a sort of redo for the audience?”

Major Art Gallery Collapses, And Artists Fight To Keep Their Work From Being Sold To Pay Creditors

“Lawsuits by artists and collectors, seeking the return of consigned works, demanding profits, or both, have never stopped Douglas Chrismas, the founder of Ace Gallery, from doing business. … But on April 6, Mr. Chrismas lost the keys to his gallery, after failing to make a $17.5 million court-ordered payment to settle his debts in a long-running Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.”