Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.22.14

Skunk Works: A Place for Innovation
AJBlog: Field Notes | Published 2014-04-23

Call for Stories
AJBlog: Engaging Matters | Published 2014-04-22

Institute for Advanced Study
AJBlog: Sandow | Published 2014-04-22

Little hawks
AJBlog: Performance Monkey | Published 2014-04-22

Small-Frame Vignettes
AJBlog: Dancebeat | Published 2014-04-22

Who Would You Pick To Play Picasso? Plus, Best And Worst Artists’ Films
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-04-23


The Difference Between Literary Fiction And Genre Fiction

“A genre novel is governed by limitations, and the whole of the writer’s skill is directed towards creating the best possible novel within those limitations. A literary novel is governed by nothing – nothing I can think of, not even the requirement to be comprehensible – and the whole of the writer’s skill is directed towards creating the best possible novel.”