Chicago’s Art Fair Behemoth

Chicago’s Merchandise Mart gathers five art fairs under a single umbrella. “The centerpiece is Art Chicago, a stricken show the Mart took over in 2006 and defibrillated back to life. Last year’s Art Chicago drew more than 42,000 attendees. The 2008 version will have more galleries, art and space. Whether it is as successful for dealers as 2007’s may hinge on the mood for art in a dour world economy.”

Edward Albee At 80

“I’m the author of some 30 plays, and I think only six or seven returned their investment, I have a very bizarre mind, by the way. I can read a book and forget about it. … And 20 years later, a character that I am writing can quote from the book. and I can’t even recall that I read it.”

Folk And Classical Get Together

“What a surprising situation we’re now in, with folk musicians ‘aspiring up’ to bigger forms, and classical composers delving down to ancient roots. Will these two trends meet and mingle somewhere in the middle? Or will they be like ships passing on the sea, dipping their flags to each other before sailing on to some unknown destination?”