Theatre’s Flourishing In Scotland

“For a country where a particularly austere version of the Reformation deliberately squeezed theatre out of public life for more than 300 years, a country with no theatrical heritage to speak of – certainly no Shakespeare or Molière, Chekhov or Synge – this is all heady stuff. Theatre people in the boho quarters of Glasgow and Edinburgh have a spring in their step.”

Woman Sues Recording Industry For Wrongfully Suing Her

She is “going after the recording industry under conspiracy laws. She argues the Recording Industry Association of America, the industry’s trade group, and its affiliates worked together on a broad campaign to intimidate people into making financial payoffs. The defendants ‘secretly met and conspired’ to develop a ‘litigation enterprise’ with the ultimate goal of preserving the major record companies’ control over the music business.”

Time To Promote Encores At The Opera?

Maybe. “Now, it is so not part of the practice that no singer could just decide spur of the moment to give an encore because the conductor would not know what [the singer] is doing. It would have to be discussed earlier. But back then, the conductor would whisper to the orchestra and make eye contact with the singer and do it again.”