Will This Be Off-Broadway’s Next Our Town?

The Barrow Street Theatre in New York’s West Village is where a Chicago production of Thornton Wilder’s play made headlines, ran for months, and turbo-charged director David Cromer’s career. Some Barrow Street producers were recently back in Chicago to check out playwright Ike Holter’s Hit the Wall, a new play about the Stonewall riots (which happened just steps from the Barrow Street).

Cologne Opera Director Who Threatened To Cancel Season Resigns

Roughly one day after he threatened to call off the entire 2012-13 season because he couldn’t get funding issues worked out with Cologne’s city government, Uwe Eric Laufenberg announced that he would step down as the opera house’s Intendant at the end of that season (which is presumably proceeding as planned), two years before the end of his contract.

When Dancers Join Universities (Good And Bad)

“With the migration of more and more working choreographers into university environments, it’s clear that artists are able to continue to create both inside and outside of these institutions. While the halls of academia offer some distinct advantages, most particularly to oft-itinerant and nearly always-struggling dance artists, other challenges and demands can sap their time and energy in their new environment.”

Running Afoul Of Artist Copyright

“Artists’ copyright is frequently misunderstood. Even if a painting (or drawing or photograph) has been sold to a collector or a museum, in general, the artist or his heirs retain control of the original image for 70 years after the artist’s death. Think of a novel. You may own a book, but you don’t own the writer’s words; they remain the intellectual property of the author for a time.”