Multi-Dimensional Theatre: Shakespeare Performed By Cast Split Between Hearing And Deaf Actors

In a first for Canadian mainstage theatre, the 15-member acting ensemble of Josette Bushell-Mingo’s innovative bilingual production, an offshoot of the Citadel/Banff Professional Program, is almost equally divided amongst deaf and hearing artists. They perform in American Sign Language and spoken English — in addition to “the language of the body.” – 12th Night

There’s Only One City Where You Can See Four Brand-New Full-Scale Operas In Four Months

“No place on earth rivals Berlin for the volume and variety of opera on offer, from Georg Frideric Handel to Hans Werner Henze. The city has three world-class companies, which this season have combined for a total of 85 fully staged productions. And they are investing in new works to run alongside the old war horses.” – The New York Times

New Wave Of African-American Playwrights In A Radical Moment

Wesley Morris: “Occasionally, a play ends and nobody really knows what to do, because it just took an audience to outer space, to the center of the earth, to this new electric zone that knows what’s wrong with this country and isn’t afraid to personify it, laugh at it, behold it. … The work is also black — its blackness providing a lens through which to see and be seen.” – The New York Times

Two Lawsuits Challenge Iowa Ban On Any Materials Containing Nudity In Prisons

“Under Iowa’s law, inmates no longer have access to mainstream publications such as National Geographic, says the lawyer Nathan Mundy, who represents Michael Lindgren, a tattoo artist challenging the statute in federal court. Mundy adds that his client is now not even allowed to draw his own nude figures, which will hurt Lindgren’s practice when he is released.” – The Art Newspaper

Why The Dancers’ Union Was Wrong To Push For Amar Ramasar’s And Zachary Catazaro’s Return To New York City Ballet

“In deciding to advocate for these two dancers, AGMA has not only sided with alleged offenders in multiple serious cases of degradation and sexual harassment, but has also sent a clear message to the whole dance community that the redemptive narrative of these male dancers is more important than the trust and safety of their female colleagues.” – Dance Magazine

Many Rank-And-File Dancers Can’t Afford To Eat Properly — So This Organization Feeds Them

“Dancers will forego eating to take classes,” says Yvonne Chow. So, once a month, DanceMart, operated by H+ | The Hip-Hop Dance Conservatory in New York City, will cook and serve a dinner, teach a class in cooking healthy and inexpensive meals, and send them home with a recipe and the groceries to make it. (There’s a party, too.) Any and every kind of dancer is invited. – Dance Magazine