Baryshnikov On Jerome Robbins:

“His legacy is so abruptly divided between Broadway and ballet. I really think that inviting Robbins to be an associate choreographer Balanchine knew very well his Broadway work and the level of the talent, and especially Jerry’s immense desire to work with him and admiration. Balanchine took him as an apprentice and trusted him. I think that was one of Balanchine’s great qualities as a leader. But who took from Robbins? I don’t know, I don’t know, I really do not know.”

The Piano Competition That Changed The World

It’s 50 years since Van Cliburn won the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow. “Part of the aura of legend surrounding the first Tchaikovsky Competition emanated from the personalities involved. Shostakovich was the chairman of the competition. Revered pianist Emil Gilels was president of the piano jury. Composers Dmitri Kabalevsky and Arthur Bliss and the equally celebrated pianist Sviatoslav Richter were jurors.”

Inside Google’s Book Digitization Project

“Many libraries began digitizing books a decade ago to preserve them. Funding from Google allows the 28 libraries it’s working with to cut their digitizing costs because they don’t have to pay for scanning the books Google wants to include in Book Search. More than 1 million rare or fragile books have been digitized through the Google-Michigan partnership since it began in 2004, with an estimated 6 million to go.”