Two Little Leonardos May Be Hiding In Plain Sight

An exhibit at Atlanta’s High Museum of Art this fall “will include the first U.S. showing of Beheading the Baptist, a silver relief depicting seven figures at the execution of John. The question is who created the relief. For centuries it has been credited to Florentine sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio, who was Leonardo’s mentor. But Gary Radke, guest curator of the exhibit at the High, believes that two of the figures are the work of Leonardo himself.”

Angel Corella Tries To Get Classical Ballet On Its Legs In Spain

One year ago, the former ABT star launched a full-scale professional troupe with more than 40 dancers based in Segovia. “[B]ut the company has to contend with a country where ballet hasn’t ever found its footing. […] It wouldn’t be so strange for Spain to lack a national classical company except for the fact that it is known for exporting high-caliber ballet dancers.”

Are Showy Architectural Projects A Thing Of The Past?

“All around the world, major architectural projects are under threat. In November, construction stopped on the Russia Tower, a 600-meter-high Moscow building designed by the London firm Norman Foster & Partners. Meanwhile, another Norman Foster Moscow project, called Crystal Island, featuring a 450-meter-high, funnel-shaped skyscraper, has also been put on hold.”