Getting To Know The Young Susan Sontag (Through Her Journals)

“She contemplates the kind of writer she wants to be, wondering – in a swoop of ambition and possible megalomania – how to be as good as Tolstoy. … There’s ego and insecurity and the continuous plotting of her own public face … though she’s not without an inkling of her public function and renown (from 1975: ‘My role: the intellectual as adversary’).”

Paradigm Shift Unbundled

“Thomas Kuhn wanted to free us from the illusion that knowledge is independent of history and of the sociality that marks us as humans, but he did not think that all beliefs that our history and sociality put before us are equally worthy. Indeed, he quickly moved away from the “shift happens” conception of paradigms as bundles of beliefs, emphasizing instead that they’re examples of good scientific practice that researchers apply in their daily work.”

Want A Better Brain? Exercise Is The Key Factor

“Animals that exercised, whether or not they had any other enrichments in their cages, had healthier brains and performed significantly better on cognitive tests than the other mice. Animals that didn’t run, no matter how enriched their world was otherwise, did not improve their brainpower in the complex, lasting ways that Rhodes’s team was studying.”

Study: Want To Make Better Decisions? Learn A Second Language

“A research team led by psychologist Boaz Keysar reports using one’s second language reduces or eliminates certain biases that otherwise infiltrate our decision-making. Specifically, our aversion to potential loss — a bias that can lead us to pass up promising opportunities for potential gains — diminishes as we ponder options in a language learned later in life.”