George R.R. Martin Has A New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Book Coming (But It’s Not The One Fans Are Panting For)

“[The author] told fans today that the long-awaited sixth volume in his Game of Thrones fantasy series, The Winds of Winter, would not be published this year – but softened the blow by revealing that his ‘imaginary history’ of the Targaryen family in Westeros would be released on 20 November. Fire and Blood is set 300 years before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire and … will chronicle ‘the Targaryen civil war that nearly ended their dynasty forever’.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.25.18

ICYMI: Art Is Better Than …
Sex, food, drugs, art – are they all the same? Do they provide the same kind of pleasure and engagement? No, says Julia F. Christensen, a neuroscientist at the Warburg Institute, University of London. She says – and I seriously hope she is correct … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2018-04-25

An Educated Guess: What Did the Lucas Museum Pay for Rockwell’s Shuffleton’s Barbershop?
In the two weeks since the announcement of the Berkshire Museum’s widely deplored sale of Norman Rockwell’s Shuffleton’s Barbershop to the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, Los Angeles, none of the parties to the transaction … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2018-04-25


Does Ethical Arts Funding Make The Arts Unfundable?

The Arts Professional Ethics survey tells us that 73% of arts organisation employees consider their employer to be at reputational risk through association with a sponsor or major donor whose own reputation is subject to criticism. That’s a staggering indicator of how uncomfortable we are feeling about particular funding associations right now.

Ethical Arts Funding? Fine. But Whose Ethics?

The survey findings raise the question of ‘whose ethics’ arts organisations should adopt. “It is important to look across the whole of society and not the organisation’s own immediate echo chamber to make this judgement,” writes one. Another points out that while public consensus agrees cigarettes shouldn’t be advertised, “it is not yet the case that the general public think that mining and selling fossil fuels is unethical”.

Are The Middle East’s Grand New Cultural Buildings European Imperialism?

Can the arrival of Western culture in the Middle East be equated simply with European imperialism? Is this how the European bourgeoisie, as Marx would say, ‘creates the world after its own image’? First, let us consider the question of power. The Khedivial Opera House and other new Western-style cultural spaces represented authority to ordinary people in the streets of Cairo. The intention of European states to enforce their economic interests on the Ottoman Empire, Egypt included, is also crystal clear throughout modern history: just look at the Suez Canal.

Report: No Systemic Harassment At WNYC

The investigation did not find “systemic discrimination” that was known to, and tolerated by, senior management. The investigation also largely absolved Laura R. Walker, the president and chief executive of New York Public Radio, who acknowledged last year that she had “prioritized growth, and content and programming, over investment in some of the processes and people.”

A Museum Of White Supremacy… In Alabama

The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, which opens Thursday on a six-acre site overlooking the Alabama state capital, is dedicated to the victims of American white supremacy. And it demands a reckoning with one of the nation’s least recognized atrocities: the lynching of thousands of black people in a decades-long campaign of racist terror.