Writing Activists Back Into History, Through Fiction

Bernardine Evaristo co-founded Britain’s Theatre of Black Women in the 1980s, and she’s not shy about using her experience in a new novel – or the experiences and lives of other Black British women through history. “It’s very important to know the alternatives to mainstream history, as we’re not represented in it. To discover how deep our roots are is important. Those of us who are older are living history, and I feel we have a duty to share it.” – The Guardian (UK)

Why Does Country Music Have Such A Race Problem?

So … Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” is sitting at number one in the UK – and in the US, but despite its utter yeehaw-ness, not on the country charts because Billboard claimed it didn’t “embrace enough elements of today’s country music.” Riiiiight. The genre has a bit of an issue with Black musicians (and other musicians of color), and women of any race as well. “The gravity of this discrimination really hits home when you consider that country is the biggest radio format in the US.” – The Guardian (UK)