Paying Too Much For Hamilton Tickets

“I missed Soho Repertory Theatre’s Blasted because stuff got in the way. I missed the original production of Ruined, and Meryl Streep in Mother Courage. I meant to go. I wanted to go. They were seminal events in the history of Western theatre. But life kept me busy. I can’t recall what kept me away. Just ordinary things. I didn’t make time for the ecstatic experience of being there. There are always a million reasons not to go and to save the money for something more important.”

Britain’s National Theatre Needs To Learn Flexibility From The Temporary Space It’s About To Close

“What I hope – and all the omens are very good – is that the closure of the Temporary Space will not mark the end of something, but the start of new era at the National. … It’s a mindset which understands that the theatre must be far more progressive, diverse and porous in every way if it is to become truly national. That means in the stories it tells, the way it tells them, the audiences who come and the artists making work.”