Do We Need An EPCOT For The Coming Technological Revolution?

World Fairs used to celebrate the future. “At the dawn of the 5th Industrial Revolution, we need a way for people to experience the possible. To walk through it, ride through it, physically and virtually. We need it to combine every industry, every technology, every aspect of art and science that will be part of the 5th Industrial Revolution. It needs to be a highly trafficked, well-promoted, physical place. If Walt Disney World is the “Happiest Place on Earth,” this urban setting needs to be the “Most Technologically Amazing Place on Earth.” – Shelley Palmer

A Historian Ponders The Ethical Questions Of Artificial Intelligence

Fei-Fei Li: The machines don’t need to have consciousness of their own in order to predict our choices and manipulate our choices. If you accept that something like love is in the end and biological process in the body, if you think that AI can provide us with wonderful healthcare, by being able to monitor and predict something like the flu, or something like cancer, what’s the essential difference between flu and love? – Wired

CEO Jack Dorsey On What He Would Do Differently If He Was Starting Twitter Now

“If I had to start the service again, I would not emphasize the follower count as much. I would not emphasize the ‘like’ count as much. I don’t think I would even create ‘like’ in the first place, because it doesn’t actually push what we believe now to be the most important thing, which is healthy contribution back to the network and conversation to the network, participation within conversation, learning something from the conversation.” – The New Yorker

An Abuse Victim’s Courage, Plus His Hidden iPhone, Reveals The Truth About One Of The Co-Founders Of Sundance

The abuser, who hadn’t had anything to do with the festival, or so Sundance says, since 1993, went on to make religious and family-themed movies for the Mormon Church – until one of his victims came forward. The victim “could not shake the questions: What if there were other victims out there? What if the abuse was still going on? So in January of last year, he reached out … on Facebook.” – The New York Times

How To Make It Big In Music

What will happen to classical in this world where labels have to get the algorithms on an artist’s side side – and appeal to a bunch of people making the playlists on Spotify. “Last year the money made by record labels from streaming surpassed income from the sale of traditional formats.” – The Observer (UK)