Data: Here’s Who Engages With The Arts In The UK (And Why?)

“The report gives new insight into this group of consistent arts attenders and participants. They are more likely to be women (57%, compared with 47% of other respondents) in the upper socio-economic group (65% compared with 43%) and to be owner-occupiers (73% compared with 57%) who live in less deprived areas (36% compared with 25%). Most of them (86%) engage with the arts three or more times a year.”

The SF Chronicle Hires A Young, Local Theatre Writer To Be Its New Full-Time Critic

“All of us theatre people start just enthralled to this art form and wanting to participate in any way we can. The most visible way to do that is acting, and most of us try that first and are terrible at it. Not a few of us drop out and just become lifelong audience members, but others keep trying to hang on and do something around the theatre. I’ve always been a writer, and at first I thought playwriting would be it. But I guess I’m only good at writing in my own voice.”