Street Art Of Sid Vicious Violates Copyright, Says Judge

“The Los Angeles-based street artist Thierry Guetta, better known as Mr Brainwash, has lost a copyright case involving a 1977 photograph of the punk rock musician Sid Vicious shot by the British photographer Dennis Morris. Guetta had claimed that the seven works he created using Morris’s black and white photograph … were sufficiently altered to be protected by the fair use defence.”

Pornography Gets Its Own Academic Journal

It had to happen sooner or later. “Porn Studies, to be published by Routledge starting in 2014, is described as ‘the first dedicated, international, peer-reviewed journal to critically explore those cultural products and services designated as pornographic and their cultural, economic, historical, institutional, legal and social contexts.”

How Technology Is Changing The Art Of Typography

“The last decade has been challenging for type designers. The print world is shrinking, but technical limitations prevented web designers from fully exercising their typographic skills. Now, however, the growing popularity of the “@font-face” tag that became formalized in the CSS3 specifications is reinvigorating typography on the web by allowing a diverse range of unique but high-quality fonts to be called onto a page from an external foundry.”