The Life And Death Of Giovanni’s Room, America’s Next-To-Last LGBT Bookstore

Author/editor/publisher Victoria Brownworth was there when the Philadelphia institution was literally a room down at South and Third, and she was with it through all of its moves, she marked major parts in her own life in the handsome old brick house where the store helped anchor the city’s community, and she watched the last-ditch efforts to save it fall apart.

Grieving Gabriel García Márquez

“García Márquez coddled us, promising that not only would traffic lights turn green for us, but swallowtails would swarm the house if someone in it had their heart broken. He didn’t offer a solution for sorrow, but he promised cosmic sympathy. Believing him might be foolish, but it is a legitimate way to grieve.”

The Unbearable Whiteness Of MFA Programs

Junot Díaz: “I can’t tell you how often students of color seek me out during my visits or approach me after readings in order to share with me the racist nonsense they’re facing in their programs, from both their peers and their professors. In the last 17 years I must have had at least three hundred of these conversations, minimum.”

Twitter Is Now Entering Its Twilight

“The publishing platform that carried us into the mobile Internet age is receding. Its influence on publishing will remain, but the platform’s place in Internet culture is changing in a way that feels irreversible and echoes the tradition of AIM and pre-2005 blogging. … People are still using Twitter, but they’re not hanging out there.”

Actor Bob Hoskins Dead At 71

“In his moments of on-screen rage, he resembled a pink grenade. But he was defined from the outset by a mix of the tough and the tender that served him well throughout his career. … No other actor has a more legitimate claim on the title of the British Cagney.”