Conspiring For Record Art Prices

“Art is not standard front page news, so astronomical prices, along with the death of the artist and, in Britain, a Turner Prize win, are one of the few ways that an artist can really hit the headlines. While the media increasingly confuse fame and notoriety with innovation and art historical importance, so many neophyte collectors seem to be happy ‘buying the price’, i.e. they conflate monetary worth with aesthetic and cultural value.”

Rome’s New Mayor Wants To Tear Down City’s Newest Museum

“Designed by U.S. architect Richard Meier, the museum has had its share of critics since it opened in 2006. The modernist glass, marble and steel structure was dismissed by critics as an eyesore and compared to a giant gas station or a pizzeria. It is the first modern building to rise in Rome’s historic centre since the days of Benito Mussolini. It cost $24 million and took 10 years to build.”

Copyright? That’s So Yesterday. How About User-Right?

“We’re seeing the move from the sort of static idea of a copy that gets paid a certain rate to a revenue share and to a usage right which means that I am authorizing agents to give the license for the use of the music, like I always have in the past, for example with radio. I just want to collect a piece of the revenues that the other party is making rather than preventing any kind of copy.”