Ill Health Eats Away At Composer John Tavener

“[I]n the past 14 months he has retreated into almost total absence from the music world as performances of his work have come and gone… [H]e still hasn’t heard [his latest] disc, unable to focus his mind or summon the energy. And, lying on a sofa with his long, thin legs crooked like a pietà (he has always looked like Jesus, on or off the Cross), he is barely able to string words together, still less write.”

Past Rears Up, And Black Watch Playwright Declines Honor

“Playwright Gregory Burke has turned down an honorary degree from his old university after a row over an attack he carried out as a student. The award-winning writer of Black Watch said he decided to refuse the offer from Stirling University to prevent any embarrassment to the establishment. He was banned from the campus about 20 years ago after violently assaulting a 17-year-old student.”

Why Old People Love The Kindle

“So many users said they like Kindle because they suffer from some form of arthritis that multiple posters indicate that they do or do not have arthritis as a matter of course. A variety of other impairments, from weakening eyes and carpal-tunnel-like syndromes to more exotic disabilities dominate the purchase rationales of these posters.”

LA – Home To Drive-By Art

“Although downtown Los Angeles still boasts the city’s densest concentration of traditional public art — the sort of sculpture that dresses up corporate lobbies and courtyards — less likely spots in the greater metropolitan area have become home to what one could call drive-by art.”