The End Of Music Genres

“It’s no longer necessary for artists to play by the rules of a specific genre to make music that resonates with a crowd. You don’t need to strive for authenticity in the same way that artists of a previous generation did because the rules for what it means to be authentic don’t apply anymore.”

The Second-Most Expensive Painting Sold Wednesday – And Its $7.5M Rip

Picasso’s Woman Seated in a Chair, which sold for $29.2 million at the same Sotheby’s auction where Munch’s The Scream sold for $120 million, suffered a tear while at a New York gallery in 2008 – damage for which the then-owner’s insurance company paid out $7.5 million. (Sotheby’s says the painting is now in “very good condition.”)

Swedes Are Spending Their Lunch Hours Dancing At Raves

“It started in the fall of 2010 when 14 friends decided to dance their lunch breaks away in their office garage. They called their gathering ‘Lunch Beat.’ As rumors about this literally underground movement spread, more and more people joined in. Today, Lunch Beat events are being arranged by a core group of organizers at venues around Sweden, attracting up to 600 people each time.”