UK City Of Culture May Cancel Events For Lack Of Interest And Funding

Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland’s second city and the host of Great Britain’s first year-long City of Culture programme, has seen both ticket sales and sponsorship running well below expectations. The province’s culture ministry warns that some events may have to be cut as a result, though the programme’s management remains optimistic.

British Dancers Launch Campaign To Improve Working Conditions

“Dancers United UK, a campaigning body that has been founded by working artists in the industry, wants to put a stop to unpaid work, which is often advertised as ‘good exposure’, and to establish guidelines for minimum rates of pay. The founding members also want to tackle issues such as guaranteed lunch breaks, the availability of drinking water on sets and payment for overtime.”

UK’s New “Instagram” Act Shreds Copyright (Do You Know Where Your Pictures Are?)

“The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act theoretically aims to make it easier for companies to publish orphan works, which are images and other content whose author or copyright can’t be identified. But whereas in the past, orphan works were often out-of-print books and historical unattributed photos, today millions of images are quickly orphaned online, as they move from Instagram to Twitter to Facebook to Tumblr without attribution along the way.”

MoCA Show, A ‘Pacific Standard Time’ Centerpiece, May Be Cancelled

With Frank Gehry having withdrawn and other architects concerned about curator Christopher Mount’s approach, and with installation unlikely to be complete by the scheduled June 2 opening, MoCA Art is reportedly on the verge of abandoning the exhibition, “A New Sculpturalism: Contemporary Architecture from Southern California”, altogether.