Which Large World City Has The Most Bookstores Per Capita? (It’s Not Paris, London, New York, Or Moscow)

“With a population of 2.8 million people within the city limits, there are 25 bookstores for every 100,000 people … The closest [competitor] is Hong Kong, which has 22 bookstores per 100,000 people.” Says one bookstore manager, “Books represent us like [big hint redacted]. We have a culture very rooted in print.”

Dancers, Know What You’re Getting Into When You Join This Guy’s Company

Says one member of Diavolo, Architecture in Motion about founder/artistic director Jacques Heim, “He often puts on a show. He lives to get a rise out of you. And by really nit-picking at what we don’t do so well, he knows he’s going to get something great out of us.” Says another, “On an artistic level, it’s an upstanding trait. But for the younger dancers, it’s a relationship that can potentially be tumultuous.” (video)

The Media Needs A History Lesson When Addressing Civic Unrest, Says The Director Of The African-American History Museum

Lonnie Bunch, the founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture: “In some ways as I watch the media coverage of Baltimore, Ferguson and other things, I’m amazed at how ahistorical the coverage is. How people do not understand that in some ways this is part of a long tradition where people who feel devalued find ways to find a voice.”