Why Intellectuals Are Skeptical Of “Wellness”

“Now that luxury mind-body spas and juice bars are familiar totems of gentrification, and Fortune 500 corporations roll out “McMindfulness” seminars and on-site wellness centers, engaging in such practices can feel like an endorsement of a superficial, bourgeois mainstream — a mainstream against which many intellectuals define themselves.”

Can A Book Be Good Even If Its Politics Are Terrible?

Adam Kirsch: What could be more cruel than Dante’s Inferno, with its sadistic vision of divine justice? … Art will always exceed ethics, including political ethics, in the same way that the possible exceeds the desirable.”
Zoë Heller: “If we couldn’t find anything to delight or instruct us in the works of sexists, racists, anti-Semites and people who believe in the divine right of kings, our literary canon would barely fill a medium-size handbag.”

This Week In Defining Audience

What are the boundaries in artist/audience relationships these days? Do you have a problem with inclusiveness if you can’t define what it is? Do we lose an essential part of the audience experience when movies go in-home? And what is to be learned about what audiences want from the big new insta-culture districts?

In The History Of The World, Here’s How Many People Who Have Lived

“Coming up with how many people were born after that is certainly based on informed speculation. Plagued by low life expectancy (up to 10 years during the Iron Age) thanks to lack of medicine, food supply issues, climate changes, killing each other and other problems, human population grew at a slow rate. Early infant mortality was as high as 500 infant deaths per 1,000 births or higher.”

Our Everyday Game And Screen Immersion Experiences Are Reshaping Museums

“Some people like to just observe. Some people prefer to read. Some people prefer to be told a story in a movie. So, in the department of exhibitions, we have people that think in all these different ways and we have to balance it out between all of us to get an exhibition that is attractive to everybody, and tells each one of these stories in the most compelling way.”