A Strategy For Successfully Complaining

“Ear-openers represent the top slice of bread in the complaint sandwich. The meat of the sandwich is the complaint itself, or the request for redress, and the bottom slice of bread in the complaints sandwich is the digestive. The digestive is a positive statement much like the ear opener that comes at the close of the complaint.”

Frank Rich Swears That ‘Veep’ Hasn’t Imitated, And Won’t Imitate, Real U.S. Politics Or Donald Trump

The longtime New York Times and New York magazine columnist, executive producer of HBO’s political cringe-comedy, says, “We really believe in the integrity of this alternative-reality version of Washington that we’ve created. It has its own internal laws and its own original characters. Journalists – including me – have all had to update our premises and our assumptions as a result of Trump’s victory, but [at Veep] we have our own world.”

The Way ’13 Reasons Why’ Depicts Teen Suicide Is Downright Dangerous, Say School Counselors

Critics have been very impressed by the Netflix series, as has the Twitterverse (11 million tweets so far). “But the premise of the show … goes against everything we know about suicide, its causes, and means of prevention.” Marissa Martinelli explains the problems and talks to counselors who’ve been dealing with the show’s fallout.

How Did Wendy Whelan Open Up Body For Non-Ballet Movement? She Threw Away Her Leotards

“The minute I got myself out of leotards, my body opened up: I didn’t feel so strict and tight and bound. I never expected you could change so much from the outside-in.” The former New York City Ballet star talks to Jennifer Stahl about the post-classical career she’s been building for herself and about the hip replacement she got in late 2015.

Go With The Flow Artistry? That’s Just A Myth, Unfortunately

Flow sounds appealing, and it seems to frequently coincide with some of our most pleasurable pinnacles of human experience, but it doesn’t necessarily translate into optimal performance. In great athletes, performing artists, writers, chess-players, doctors, nurses, air-force pilots and others, beneath the surface of effortless flow is unrelenting determination. And if developing one’s potential is key to a meaningful life – developing what Immanuel Kant speaks of in the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals as our duty to cultivate our ‘predispositions to greater perfection’ – then flow, while bringing momentary happiness, might impede the attainment of that loftier value.

Claim: New York Has Never Been So Great As It Is Right Now

“In my 67-year lifetime, the five boroughs have never been so full: Our population is soaring toward 9 million; most parts of town bustle with energy and investment; and crime has fallen to historic lows. I marvel over the blossoming. I can walk down the Hull Street block where I grew up without fearing for my life — which wasn’t the case 25 years ago when it was strewn with empty lots and menace lurked behind every parked car.”

June LeBell, 73, Pioneering Classical Radio Host

“After an early start as a professional singer, she turned her love for classical music into a groundbreaking career on WQXR in New York, where she became the first female announcer for a commercial classical music station in the country. And she carried on as the host of lecture series and radio shows and as an arts leader after she moved to Sarasota in 2002.”