Duke Ellington And The Problem With Musicologists

“That his band was Ellington’s instrument has become a cliché, but it is a misleading one. An instrument is a passive object that takes its energy from its operator. That’s not how Ellington worked. He was a tremendous talent-spotter, and part of what kept that talent close by was his willingness to let it have its voice, and more, to highlight and showcase it, and most importantly, to involve it in the creative process.”

The Scream Sells For $120M At Auction

“Sotheby’s New York sold Edvard Munch’s 1895 The Scream for $119.9 million on Wednesday night, setting a record for the most expensive artwork sold at auction. The top spot was previously held by Picasso’s 1932 Nude, Green, Leave and Bust – a painting of his much-younger lover Marie-Thérèse Walter that sold at Christie’s in 2010 for $106.5 million.”