NewMusicBox Turns 15

“Despite how much our world has changed, it’s surprising how many of the conversations we were having back in 1999 are still going on today, though sadly not everyone involved with those conversations is still with us today.”

Unmasking ‘Japan’s Beethoven’: The Aftermath

Since it was revealed in February that wildly popular deaf composer Mamoru Samuragochi is, in fact, neither deaf nor a composer, the scandal “has produced numerous musings and self-chastisements in Japan and overseas. NHK issued a ten-page explanation of its failure to properly fact-check Samuragochi’s claims before broadcasting its documentary. … There has been finger-pointing in the Japanese media over who knew and why no one reported what they knew or asked questions.”

For the Love of Numbers

“It’s hard to think of anything more rational, more logical and impersonal than a number. But what if we’re all, universally, also deeply attuned to how numbers … feel? Why 2 is warm, 7 is strong and 11 is downright mystical.” (audio)