Canada’s Last Bricks And Mortar Classical Music Recordings Store Is Closing

“The store’s closing follows a similar move by Vancouver’s venerable Sikora’s, a dedicated classical music store in West Hastings that shuttered in February 28, 2019 after four decades in business. While Grigorian’s has not provided details behind the closure, it’s not hard to see the writing on the wall in this era of music streaming and a diminished profile for classical music on the culture scene.” – Ludwig Van Toronto

A Philosopher Argues Why We Should Play God

“We’re playing god every day. As the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes said, the natural state for human beings is a life that’s nasty, brutish, and short. We play god when we vaccinate. We play god when we give women pain relief during labor. The challenge is to decide how to change the course of nature, not whether to change it. Our whole life is entirely unnatural.” – Nautilus

What Makes A Novel Transgressive, What Makes It Unpublishable, And How That Changes Over Time

Bret Easton Ellis grants that almost no house would publish American Psycho today (he wouldn’t even want to write it today), and it’s hard to imagine any American publisher releasing Lolita in 2019 if it weren’t already famous. “[Yet] if Lolita is a scandalous novel about child abuse, why are A Little Life and My Absolute Darling, which are much more graphic, so much less so? Times have changed since 1955, of course, but the idea of the novel’s purpose has changed too.” – The Guardian

The TV Subscription Bundle Is Under Attack – And It’s The Industry’s Primary Business Model

Every day that the TV networks keep their bundles intact is another day for the internet to undermine the bundles. Some of that comes through direct competition: Netflix remains quite disinterested in producing live TV and sports programming, but short of that they have a little bit of everything — just like your old cable TV subscription. – Vox

Controversial Sponsor Withdraws From Turner Prize After One Day Of Criticism

Stagecoach South East, a bus company that offers service to the host city of this year’s prize exhibition (the seaside town of Margate), has for a chairman Sir Brian Souter, who spent heavily in campaigns to maintain bans on same-sex marriage and discussion on homosexuality in classrooms. The backlash against Stagecoach’s sponsorship was swift and effective. – The Guardian