Of Course, You Can Do The Same Thing At Home

With CD sales continuing to tank, the latest attempt to stave off digital defeat is to let consumers burn their own custom, in-store CDs. “New machines, available from at least five different companies and now in operation in more than 150 record stores, Starbucks, book stores and big-box electronics stores across the country, allow consumers to pick 15 or so singles from various artists and burn them onto a CD.”

Helsinki Hall May Cost 50% More Than Anticipated

Completion of a planned new concert hall in the Finnish capital of Helsinki will be delayed for at least six months after construction bids came in considerably higher than expected. “Currently, the estimated costs of the music complex are EUR 106 million. The quotation of Peab Seicon appears to imply that using a lump-sum contract, the house would cost up to one and a half times as much as estimated.”