It’s Not Good Business To Spend $5M On A Film Premiere?

“While studios may still be splurging on a few of the major summer tentpoles like ‘Star Trek’ and the sequel to ‘Night at the Museum,’ the big [opening-night] bashes are fewer and farther between. … What studios have figured out is that they can get bigger bang for their buck by focusing less on excessive events that exist just to stroke cast, crew and invited guests — and instead focus on the media attention that the red carpet can bring.”

Why Beginning Playwrights Need Our Financial Support

Because playwrights write on spec, they tend to be “white, male, middle-class graduates from south-east England – the group who can most afford to take this financial risk. It follows that most plays they write will inevitably reflect the world view and concerns of this narrow group. A system has evolved that ensures plays and playwrights are developed by a process of financial natural selection.”