As LGBT Bookstores Close, Will They Take LGBT Publishers Down With Them?

“At a bookstore, you can browse the shelves, open a book, sample its pages as well as those of its peers shelved in the same category or by the same author. With Amazon, if you do not know the author or the title or a great deal of the plot; your chances of finding that book you overheard friends talking about is like a pricking yourself while rolling in a haystack.”

Revisiting James Joyce’s Dublin 100 Years Later

“If you’re a person whose perception of the world is shaped by literature, Dublin can feel less like a place that James Joyce wrote about than a place that is about James Joyce’s writing. The city of his fiction exists in ghostly superimposition over the actual city … Joyce will not be escaped. He inheres in the city’s bones.”

‘Fun Home’ And ‘Here Lies Love’ Dominate Off-Broadway’s Top Awards

A disco bioplay of Imelda Marcos, Here Lies Love took five Lucille Lortel Awards, including for director and lead actress, while lesbian-and-gay-themed musical memoir (and South Carolina lightning rod) Fun Home won the best musical prize and two acting awards. Lisa Kron, who wrote the book for Fun Home, took honors of her own for best featured actress in a play.

Has Boston Run Out Of Rehearsal Space?

“The city has run out of rehearsal space. These days there’s hardly anywhere for a cello and a marimba to meet. In neighborhoods across Boston, musicians lug unwieldy instruments up the stairs of triple-deckers for “house” rehearsals because it’s the only place to practice. But leases routinely prohibit the playing of instruments, and, in any case, apartment rehearsals are limited to the goodwill and noise tolerance of neighbors.”