Inside Amy Schumer’s Parody Of ‘Twelve Angry Men’

Schumar: “I was at a party and these guys were talking about Michelle Williams, and they were like, ‘Yeah I don’t think she is hot actually.’ … These guys would be so lucky to even get to have a conversation with her but they were like really deliberating over whether or not they would fuck her. And I was like, ‘You know what, that scenario is never going to present itself, you guys.’ But that word ‘deliberation’ is what made me think, What is the ultimate deliberation? An actual jury deliberating. And I love the movie 12 Angry Men.” (includes video)

A Golden Age For Tap

“The dance historian Constance Valis Hill claims that tap dance is the most cutting-edge dance form currently to be seen in the United States. What makes tap stand out for Hill is the intense innovation going on in the form, coupled with an attention to emotional and political content.”

YouTube’s Copyright Problems Point To Bigger Issues For Artists

“Here’s the thing: under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), YouTube is not legally obligated to have a mechanism for policing its content for infringement at all. The site is charged with taking content down when it receives notices to do so, but that’s the extent of it. Nevertheless, YouTube takes an overly active role in policing for copyright infringement, and the technology it employs to do so is flawed – which can end up hurting artists and other content creators who employ copyrighted works legally.”

How A Game-Show Champion Became The Embattled Conscience Of American Male Geekdom

Jeopardy! champion Arthur Chu “leveraged his 15 minutes of game-show fame into, of all things, a national platform for his opinions about nerds: What America gets wrong about nerds; what nerds – especially male nerds – get wrong about themselves; and why it matters. … Chu wants to make nerd culture better – and to stop more of his fellow nerds from getting drawn into the worst of it.”