UK Theatre Industry Survey: Top Concern Is Arts Education

Across the board, the topic of arts education demonstrated the most acute concern from respondents, scoring an average of 2.24. The deepest pessimism came from respondents in Yorkshire and Northern Ireland. Most respondents (84%) were more negative than positive about the prospects for arts opportunities in schools over the next 10 years, with one in three declaring they were deeply pessimistic about the future.

Groundbreaking: How Misty Copeland Changed Ballet

“We’re right to view Copeland’s rise with awe, gratitude, and hope, but it’s also interesting to note that two of the the ceilings she’s breaking (by being a ballerina with breasts and muscles) have only recently been installed. It reminds me how quickly a newly introduced expectation can feel timeless; how strongly it can ossify into something that seems inevitable; how easily we accept that what we see in front of us is universal.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 05.04.16

Looking Back at Cuba
So much is being made of the U.S.-Cuba rapprochement and the arrival in Havana of cruise ships filled with tourists that I took a look at an old series of mine, part reportage and part … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-05-04

Looking Back at Cuba (continued)
Now you can fly to Havana direct from the U.S. without having to be part of a licensed group. You can even use credit cards in places equipped to handle them. Of course… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-05-04

Weekend Listening: Bill Holman & The SRJO
Just three weeks after Bill Holman conducted the Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra in three concerts of his works, this Sunday Jim Wilke’s Jazz Northwest will broadcast portions of the final concert. Here are details … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-05-04

The Most Under-Rated Composer?
Who is the most under-rated 20th century American composer? … read more
AJBlog: Unanswered Question Published 2016-05-04
