Did Leonardo Stop Painting Because Of A Fall And Resulting Nerve Damage?

Some have suggested it was as stroke, but he showed no other signs of impairment. His injury suggests it may have been something else: “The ulnar nerve runs from the shoulder to the little finger, and manages almost all the intrinsic hand muscles that allow fine motor movements, so a fall could have caused trauma to his upper arm, leading to the palsy, or weakness.” – BBC

Almost Thirty Years Of A Famous, Fan Fave Comic Series Focused On Latina Punks

The comic, or maybe graphic novel series, Love and Rockets is “the rare pop cultural artifact that renders Latinas not as archetypes, but as rich and profound human beings full of messy contradiction and ambivalence. Over the years, Hernandez’s characters have aged and their hairstyles have become more sedate. Some of their faces have grown angular; their bodies, more doughy. In the new comic, in which a group of former punks attempt to relive their youth for a weekend, a group of women joke about menopause in refreshingly real ways.” – Los Angeles Times

Rachel Held Evans, An Evangelical Christian Writer Who Questioned Everything About Her Faith, Has Died At 37

In her writing on her site and in her massively popular books, Evans “confronted every controversial issue in American evangelical culture. She wrote about biblical literalism, racism, abortion, evolution, theology, marriage, patriarchy, women in leadership, and evangelical support for Donald Trump. She advocated for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the church and analyzed her own complicity in racial bias after the police shooting of Michael Brown.” – Slate