Schiller Remains Still A Mystery

“Who is buried in Friedrich Schiller’s tomb? Several people, apparently, but none of them the famous poet and playwright, according to new research. After two years of painstaking DNA research, experts have determined that none of the remains billed as those of Schiller belong to the German writer.”

Needed: A Rethinking Of Language Study

The United States “must abandon its exclusive short-range, 9/11-sparked, tactical emphasis on just-in-time, emergency-responsive study of specific languages to meet economic challenges and security crises. In its place, the U.S. needs to establish a longer-range strategic emphasis on the study of cultures, and widespread educational use of languages, to prevent such crises from occurring in the first place.”

Nostalgia For The Berlin Wall?

“The rush to tear down the hated landmark in the 1990s was understandable, but Berlin’s government has realized that the city may have been overzealous in ridding itself of what remains its biggest tourist attraction. It has launched an information drive to help keep memories of the Wall alive among Germans and to raise awareness of Cold War division among younger generations who have only known a united Germany.”