The Uses Of Apocalypse

Whenever the Christian calendar approaches a millennium, a certain set of people begin to expect the end of the world. “[Z]ealous forms of religion [spring up] – the sort of religion that thrives when people see little virtue in marrying, breeding or building up private property.” And the sort of religion of which the canny and powerful can take advantage.

Reviving Klingon Opera

Fans of The Next Generation will recall that Lt. Worf was a great fan of his planet’s Gesamtkunstwerk. Now a Dutch group is using the techniques of historical performance practice research and an ancient Klingon treatise called paq’jachchcu (“the book of the perfect scream”) with the goal of “mount[ing] the first authentic performances of Klingon opera here on earth.”

Where Free Will Comes From (A Little Behind Your Ears)

“Free will resides in a place toward the back of the brain called the parietal cortex, new research suggests. When a neurosurgeon electrically jolted this region in patients undergoing surgery, they felt a desire to, say, wiggle their finger, roll their tongue or move a limb. Stronger electrical pulses convinced patients they had actually performed these movements, although their bodies remained motionless.”