Gilbert Leaving Santa Fe

Conductor Alan Gilbert, who has been much discussed as a darkhorse candidate to become the New York Philharmonic’s next music director, has announced that he is leaving Santa Fe Opera after four years as music director to pursue other conducting opportunities.

Strib Dumps Architecture Beat – Other Cuts Coming

Minnesota’s largest daily paper, the Star Tribune, which was recently acquired by a private equity firm, has announced that it will cut 145 jobs over the coming months, and some reporters within the paper are already being reassigned. It looks as if the paper’s arts coverage will be hit hard: two TV writers are told to compete for a single job, and the only full-time architecture critic in the Twin Cities is being reassigned entirely.

Warner To Cut Hundreds Of Jobs In “Restructuring”

“In common with the wider music industry, Warner has been trying to adjust to a sharp fall in CD sales sparked by rampant piracy and a move to online music buying. It revealed that 400 jobs were set to go under a new strategy to ‘align the company’s workforce with the changing nature of the music industry’ by cutting costs and making more of growing digital music sales.”

Wave Of New 3D Movies To Change Way We Watch

“Nearly every large movie studio and many smaller ones have at least one or two 3-D titles in production, though most release dates have not been announced. Digital 3-D, pioneered by a Beverly Hills company called Real D, still requires moviegoers to wear geeky glasses, but the left- and right-eye images are calibrated so finely that most viewers experience no headache or eyestrain.”

Warner Bans Movie Previews In Canada

A Hollywood studio has banned previews of its movies from being shown in Canada. “Warner Bros will halt all ‘promotional and word-of-mouth screenings’ of new releases, says the Hollywood Reporter. The studio blamed the failure of the Canadian government to make camcording – videotaping a film directly off the cinema screen – an illegal practice.”

USC Getty Arts Journalism Fellows Named

This year’s USC Getty Arts Journalism fellowships have been awarded. This year’s fellows include: Studio 360’s Kurt Andersen; Wall Street Journal’s Brett Campbell; NPR’s Celeste Headlee; La Opinion’s Victoria Infante;’s Esther Iverem; NYT contributor Carol Kino; Chicago Public Radio’s Edward Lifson; and Kaelen Wilson-Goldie of the Lebanon-based Daily Star.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Plans For Books

“Many jobs — such as book editor — go away because content and production are being separated. However, we have no intention of eliminating our book pages. We probably won’t often hire out-of-town freelancers to review books at a national level. Instead we will present reviews from the wire services. … This will free us to focus our resources on local books and metro Atlanta’s literary scene.”