New Legislation For Net Neutrality

“The legislation requires Internet service providers to interconnect with the facilities of other network providers on a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis. It also requires them to operate their networks in a reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner so that all content, applications and services are treated the same and have an equal opportunity to reach consumers.”

The Problem With Cannes

“It is a festival that sometimes appears to be suffering severe personality disorder, uncertain whether it exists to celebrate art or commerce. When the two worlds collide, confusion often ensues. Parties and photo opportunities risk distracting attention from the once-important fact that there are films to be shown.”

Andrew Lloyd Webber Warns About The Viability Of West End Theatres

“The difficulty for commercial theatre owners is that such expenditure yields no economic benefit in terms of the operational viability of their buildings. Not one more seat becomes available for sale as a result. Indeed, improving the audience experience whilst retaining the architectural qualities of the building normally means losing seats, which commercial theatres can ill afford to do.”

Los Angeles Declares Digital Piracy A “Public Nuisance”, Passes Big Fines

“The county retains the right to shutter a property for up to a year for violating ordinance 13.90.010 and also gives local authorities the right to bring a civil action to ‘temporarily restrain, preliminarily enjoin, and/or permanently enjoin the person or persons intentionally conducting, or knowingly maintaining or permitting the public nuisance from further conducting, maintaining, or permitting such a public nuisance.’ Property owners who knowingly permit such activity can also be dinged $1,000 for each counterfeited work produced on the property.”

How We “Remember” Things That Never Happened

“There are two distinct types of memory: Verbatim, which allows us to recall what specifically happened at any given moment, and gist, which enables us to put the event in context and give it meaning.” A new study has surprised researchers with the finding that “verbatim and gist memory are separate, parallel systems. So separate, in fact, that ‘there is some evidence’ they occupy different sections of the brain.”

The Scourge That Is MP3

“Are MP3s degrading music? Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Coldplay don’t seem to think so, as each have distributed their music, for free, online and it’s worked out tremendously. For other bands, the ‘leaked album’ has proven a true scourge.” And then there’s the sound quality issue…