Safety Regs Put Oxford Library’s Rare Volumes Out Of Reach

“Historic books in the Bodleian Library have been left out of reach after a health and safety directive banned ladders from a reading room. Students wanting to access works on the top shelf in the gallery section of the Duke Humfreys room have been unable to do so due to a low balcony and uneven floors … although ladders had been used for many years previously.”

How The Recession Is Changing The Book Business

“Changes on the horizon include the phasing out of print catalogues, a de-emphasis on in-person sales conferences in favor of video and web conferences, more focused lists, reduced travel and attendance at trade shows, more use of social networks and a reduction in print advertising. Sales reps will also extend their territory into non-bookstore accounts.”

Study: If You’re Smarter, You’re Healthier

“A new study of 3654 Vietnam War veterans finds that men with lower IQs are more likely to suffer from dozens of health problems – from hernias, to ear inflammation, to cataracts – compared with those showing greater intelligence. This offers tantalising – yet preliminary – evidence that health and intelligence are the result of common genetic factors, and that low intelligence may be an indication of harmful genetic mutations.”

Surprise: Canadian Video Game Sales Down

“After years of steady sales increases, the Canadian video-game market has taken a step backward. Retail numbers released this week by the research firm NPD Group showed hardware, software and accessory sales down 8.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2009 compared to the same period last year. It was the first sales dip since NPD started tracking the industry here in 2002.”