Why D.H. Lawrence, Misogynist Male Author, Has Lots Of Female Fans

“For these women, Lawrence’s embrace of gender is not a bug; it’s a feature. Acknowledging the way gender matters to ideas isn’t (or rather, isn’t only) about imposing hierarchy based on which bits you happen to have. It’s also about affirming the weirdness and power and centrality of bodies – and of those people who have traditionally been most associated with bodies, which is to say, women.”

Original Miniature Of Elizabeth I Surfaces At Estate Sale

“The National Portrait Gallery has spent £329,000 on a postcard-sized painting about which it knows almost nothing, except that it is more than 400 years old, exquisitely painted, and outrageously flattering. Elizabeth I was in her late 50s, and losing teeth and hair, when the image of a girlish round-faced queen, dazzling in cloth of gold and diamonds, was created.”