Harold Pinter’s ‘Buried Masterpiece’? A Vaudeville Madhouse

“Set in a state-run sanatorium where the so-called ‘patients’ are actually political dissidents undergoing various excruciating corrective treatments, The Hothouse shows the casual inhumanity … with a broad, over-the-top comedy. Several scenes have the rat-a-tat patter of old-school vaudeville and there’s even an exploding cigar.”

It’s Hard-Wired: Humans Need Stories

“It is in our nature to need stories. They are our earliest sciences, a kind of people-physics. Their logic is how we naturally think. They configure our biology, and how we feel, in ways long essential for our survival. Like our language instinct, a story drive – an inborn hunger for story hearing and story making – emerges untutored universally in healthy children.”

A Five-Year Plan To Revive The Minnesota Orchestra

“As a lawyer who works in the business world, I understand the need for revenue and expenses to balance. … Yet, I have not heard management express that its goal is to maintain a world-class orchestra. … We need a five-year plan – one that will assign responsibilities on all sides to find a more stable platform for the continuation of our world-class orchestra. Management says there is a $5 million problem. For the next five years, do the following (all with new money):”