Watch Dmitri Hvorostovsky’s Surprise Appearance At The Met Opera Gala

The beloved Russian baritone, undergoing long-term treatment for brain cancer, has cancelled all future staged opera performances and recently had to call off a recital tour. So when Peter Gelb had the idea to invite him to sing at the gala, he kept the plan secret, in case Hvorostovsky was too ill to make it. But make it he did, and sang up a storm. (video)

Smaller Arts Groups In New York Are Hoping For A Larger Slice Of The City’s Cultural Budget

It’s worrisome for large organizations like the Met Museum and all of the residents of Lincoln Center – but the boroughs are excited: “Mayor Bill de Blasio and his lieutenants are deep into a re-examination of the city’s $178 million arts budget and other cultural resources to try to give a higher profile — and perhaps more taxpayer money — to smaller institutions in disadvantaged neighborhoods.”