Measuring Success: Data-Driven Dance

“Judgment [in the dance field] is often based on aesthetic or taste, usually informed by exposure, and it tends to limit the conversation to ‘like’ or ‘dislike’. … Our goal, instead, should be to guide and instruct performers and audiences in how to evaluate the quality of a product beyond an actual performance – including how to lead to performance and advance beyond it. But how do we best determine what those include?”

Why I Teach a College Class On How To Think About Pornography

“Most of my students were born in the early-to-mid-1990s; they hit puberty under the influence of two conflicting social realities: the widespread availability of broadband and the Bush-era abstinence-only sex education policies. … [This] meant that Internet pornography became the primary and ubiquitous source of information about [sex] … It’s as if instead of offering driver’s ed, we taught you how to operate a car by showing you a James Bond movie.”