Dublin’s Abbey Theatre Announces Major Expansion

The planned new building will house two expanded spaces: a flagship 700-seat theatre and a 250-seat space. A new cafe and restaurant are planned, along with extra rehearsal spaces, a creative arts hub and expanded office space for staff. A spokeswoman for the theatre said the group believes the “current building is inadequate for artists, audiences and staff. We have been seeking to find a solution to improve this situation for more than 10 years.”

What It’s Really Like To Work With The Wachowskis On ‘Sense8’

The Verge: “When Lana talks about her work, she tends to put it in heady, intellectual terms, looking at deconstructionism and semiotics and Jacques Derrida and Kant. Does she bring up that kind of philosophy when she’s talking to the cast?”

Freema Agyeman: “Oh yeah, she does, but we can only contribute so far, because we just kind of go, ‘Huh?’ [Laughs] They’re incredibly erudite, and that’s fascinating. You can sit and learn so much from them.”

We’d Have No Concept Of ‘News’ Without Our Particular Ideas About Time

“While we frequently wring our hands about the fact that news is in ‘crisis’, we rarely discuss what news actually is. Much like history, news is fundamentally a way of imposing order on the messy totality of what’s going on around us. The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘news’ as ‘newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events’. Or, in [historian Robert] Darnton’s words, news is ‘stories about what happened’. What we consider to be news is therefore intimately connected to our perception of time.”

A New Riff On ‘Pictures At An Exhibition’ (The Orchestra Version) From Dirk Brossé

The Belgian composer-conductor, music director of the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, decided to write his own, all-new take on the concept of the Mussorgsky-Ravel favorite. (Unlike George Crumb, Brossé didn’t come up with a new title.) So he took a special tour of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and ultimately chose seven paintings from the collection – from Thomas Eakins’s The Gross Clinic to Man Ray’s Fair Weather – as his inspirations. Peter Dobrin met with Brossé to talk about the artworks and how Brossé found the music in them.

Some Of The Coolest, Most Interesting Stuff In Medieval Manuscripts Is Off In The Margins

Humans, animals, human-animal hybrids, disembodied limbs and other parts, monkeys playing bagpipes, rabbits in a funeral procession, naked bishops – the surprises are nearly endless. What’s more, says a scholar from the University of Glasgow, these drawings, doodles, and offhand notes can tell us a surprising amount about the people who wrote and read these volumes.