Arts Funding Zeroed Out In Palm Beach

Arts funding for small and midsize groups in Palm Beach County, Florida, is being wiped out to pay for a property tax cut. “The [cultural development] fund has not increased since 2003 and represented only 0.00018 percent of last year’s $4.4 billion county budget,” but county officials decided to remove it from the 2008 budget.

Pops Rage In Boston

A fight broke out this week at a Boston Pops concert. No, seriously. “The fight, caught on camera by several local television stations, showed what appeared to be several females surrounding a man who was wildly swinging. One man’s shirt was ripped off of him.”

Broadway’s New Theatre

The Roundabout Theatre is reopening the 89-year-old Henry Miller’s Theater, a stamp of old Broadway on 43rd Street that will be “surrounded by the glass modernity of the new 54-story tall Bank of America Tower. The Roundabout Theater Company is in the final stages of negotiations for a 20-year lease with the Durst Organization and Bank of America, the owners of the theater, which will have around 1,000 seats.”

Renoir Archive Bought By Novelty Store

“The Renoir family archive, which was sold in 2005 causing deep disquiet in France, has been acquired by a gallery in Arizona.” In 2003, the gallery “produced a ‘House of Renoir’ business plan to market a range of novelty items such as mousepads and toilet roll holders, as well as hundreds of thousands of marble, stone and bronze sculptures–all based on Renoir-Guino originals.”