Britart’s Best?

“Will Rachel Whiteread, unshowy as she is, be the Britartist who stands the test of time? Whiteread was always regarded as the serious-minded one among the Britart pack. While the work of Damien Hirst, the Chapman brothers, Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas screamed for attention, Whiteread’s tended to whisper – despite its scale. It also caused huge controversy.”

Thomson Sketches Could Be Blockbusters

“Tom Thomson is probably the hottest artist in Canada right now – and he’s going to get even hotter this month… Five Thomson sketches are coming up for auction soon, [and] expectations are high that two works from this batch will at the very least enter the million-dollar circle, and at the very best smash the Thomson record of $1,463,500.”

The Muti Effect

“Riccardo Muti is too diplomatic to say so, of course, but the reasons he chose Chicago over New York seem implicitly clear: Chicago has the better orchestra… and he faces nothing here like the podium competition he would encounter on the East Coast.” And while some have questioned the hire, John von Rhein says the CSO unquestionably made the right call.