Amazon Versus Book Publishers, Round 87

“For all outward appearances, the relationship between Amazon and the publishing industry had settled into a wary peace, following a highly publicized dust-up in 2014 between Amazon and Hachette, wherein Amazon tried to bully Hachette in negotiations over e-book prices. But tensions had been quietly ratcheting up since then. While some of Amazon’s advances against the publishing industry have gained headlines, many of its most damaging moves have received little coverage outside publishing trade publications.”

The Classroom Where It Happens, With The ‘It’ Being Hamilton For Education

These students get to perform history-class-inspired songs on stage at the Rodgers before they see a special matinee of “Hamilton.” WOW. “Ashley Avallos and Angie Salvador from Brooklyn School for Collaborative Studies made an impassioned and moving plea for advancing women’s rights. Their piece, ‘Dont Forget About Us,’ echoed Angelica’s line in the show demanding that Thomas Jefferson ‘include women in the sequel’ to the Declaration of Independence, but took as its main inspiration the words of a historical figure not featured in the play, Abigail Adams.”

The Opera Created, And Filmed, For Streaming On iPads And Other Small Screens

This episodic opera was created, filmed on Alcatraz, and then packaged for serial distribution. All 12 episodes drop online on May 31. Some of the plot … “In composer Lisa Bielawa’s world, cows sing, a ponytailed man plays the hurdy-gurdy in the backseat of a vintage Chrysler Valiant and an escape from Alcatraz is as simple as tossing a knotted sheet rope out a prison cell window and driving off into the night — to Sweden.”

Should Dancers Have To Pay A Fee To Audition?

“In other industries, paying a future employer for an interview would be considered unethical. Yet in dance, it is common practice. Many companies offer the explanation that it is expensive to hold open calls and in exchange for that fee, they are providing a class. Now, cash-strapped dancers and even some company leaders find themselves questioning this norm.” Candice Thompson looks at the two sides of the debate.

A Woman Takes Over From A Man In New York City Ballet’s First Gender-Neutral Role – How’s It Working Out?

Justin Peck selected his old friend (and company star) Robert Fairchild to dance the lead in the premiere run of his The Times Are Racing. But he conceived it as a unisex part, and he chose Ashly Isaacs to take over from Fairchild for the current season. Alastair Macaulay reports on how she looks in the role. (Very good.)