The Secret To An Underdog’s Victory

Malcolm Gladwell: “David’s victory over Goliath, in the Biblical account, is held to be an anomaly. It was not. Davids win all the time. The political scientist Ivan Arreguín-Toft recently looked at every war fought in the past two hundred years … in which one side was at least ten times as powerful – in terms of armed might and population – as its opponent, and even in those lopsided contests the underdog won almost a third of the time.”

PEN/Faulkner Award-Winner: And Why Shouldn’t The President Read My Book?

Barack Obama recently endorsed PEN winner Joseph O’Neill’s book. “Novelists should believe strongly enough in what they do to say, “What’s the big deal? Why shouldn’t the president read my book?’ O’Neill said. ‘Surely it’s not contended by anybody that the only valuable information about the world is to be found in briefing books’.”

Movie Producer Advertises For Virgins

“Posters appearing around Sydney are offering $20,000 for virgins to appear in a feature-length documentary. But the fine print reveals the would-be stars – a man and a woman – must be prepared to be filmed as they auction their virginity online. In return, they get the cash, 90 per cent of the winning bid and, one presumes, a good night out.”