Time To Toss ‘New Writing’ For Something Wilder And, Perhaps, Newer?

“The ‘New Writing’ play, like the ‘Well Made Play’ before it, exists as some sort of ideal to which new writers are supposed to aspire. This sense of what makes a good play has crept into the way workshops are run, courses are structured, feedback is given and, most damaging, into the very heart of the relationship between producers and artists. In teaching narrative, characterisation and structure, we are teaching a very particular set of aesthetic values predicated on creating a very particular kind of play.”

Hilary Mantel On Anne Boleyn

“[She] is one of the most controversial women in English history; we argue over her, we pity and admire and revile her, we reinvent her in every generation. She takes on the colour of our fantasies and is shaped by our preoccupations: witch, bitch, feminist, sexual temptress, cold opportunist. … Much of what we think we know about Anne melts away on close inspection.”

Human Rights Museum + Proposed Water Park = A Mess In Winnipeg

“The architect of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg is criticizing the waterpark and hotel proposed for a lot across the street at The Forks. In a letter sent to Winnipeg city councillors Thursday night, Antoine Predock said a water park ‘risks trivializing’ the area’s rich historic past and cultural district that is being built up.”

As Arts Center Closure Looms, Rwandan Artists Hold Conference About Cultural Preservation

“Ishyo was granted an extension until 30 September. However, the impending closure of the arts centre demonstrates the lack of infrastructure to support the conservation of Rwandan culture. ‘We are an oral society,’ said Ruzibiza. ‘We are losing many people. The elders are dying and are taking all this knowledge with them. We have to take the opportunity right now to document everything.'”