Let’s Check In With The American Running The English National Opera

So things are … interesting … for the artistic director: “Kramer, who has never before held a position at an opera house or run a major arts organization, will need all his optimistic, feisty exuberance to prove himself and rescue the company. Its subsidy has been slashed, and it has bled administrative and artistic executives in recent years, curtailing its offerings, renting out the Coliseum for longer stretches to gin up revenue, and threatening its high reputation.”

If You Want To Make Sure Your Movie Is Gender-Balanced, Run Your Script By The Robot First

Or just download the updated version of scriptwriting software, actually. Highland 2 will tell you how many lines your characters of different gender specifications are speaking. Its creator is a screenwriter himself: “During the writing process, you’re not always aware of how little your female characters are interacting or speaking … because you’re only looking at a scene at a time, a page at a time. It’s not a good overview.” But this is.

Peter Mayer, Publisher Of Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses,’ Has Died At 82

Mayer wouldn’t go into hiding after the Ayatollah Khomeni called for the deaths not only of Rushdie but of his publishers at Penguin. His point of view: “Once you say I won’t publish a book because someone doesn’t like it or someone threatens you, you’re finished. … Some other group will do the same thing, or the same group will do it more.”

Ian McEwan Is Still An Author, Sure, But Now He’s Also A Movie Consultant

That’s partly because he has learned, while writing screenplays for his films, to work with film directors who are also theatre directors. The author says, “A theater director is used to the idea of finding out what’s the best way of realizing the play. … They are very much more open, I think, to the idea of the screenwriter as an equal collaborator.”

Bloomberg Philanthropies Gives $43 Million To 200 Arts Orgs For Management

By invitation only, selected organizations are being offered unrestricted support — roughly 10 percent of their annual operating budgets — in addition to arts-management training. That includes a consulting mentor for each organization and a series of seminars for all grantees in a given city on topics such as fund-raising, strategic planning, marketing and board development.