Why It’s So Difficult To Bail On Bad Theatre

“Having paid for your seat, having promised yourself a special evening, and finding yourself sitting in the middle of a long row beside others who have also paid and promised themselves a special evening, others whom you imagine have similar interests to your own, people willing to spend time and money supporting avant-garde culture, a community almost—in these circumstances you are probably always going to hang on at least thirty minutes, however bewildered and sceptical you may be.”

We Live In A Sea Of Carefully Designed Beeps

Even the word barely existed until 60 years ago. Now electronic tones are everywhere from heart monitors to smartphones to supermarket scanners, alerting us to everything from the truck backing up toward us to the train doors closing behind us to the Lean Cuisine in the microwave being ready. And those sounds aren’t chosen casually: psychoacousticians work hard to match the beep to the job.

TV Industry’s New Hot Property; Audience Warm-Up Artists

“For a long spell, [many Hollywood] comedies … were taped without a live audience as laugh tracks fell out of fashion. But with the re-emergence of the traditional sitcom – comedies staged on a familiar set – living, breathing warm-up performers like Mr. Lundblade are suddenly in vogue. Producers fight for the best and virtuosos can command anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 a day.”